What is your GHIN number?

When you call SCGA Member Services, you will probably be asked, ‘what is your GHIN number?’ Whether it's looking up your membership status, your Handicap Index, scoring record, or posting a score, your GHIN number is key.

Your GHIN number, like your Social Security number, is unique to you and is yours for as long as you play golf. Whether you belong to one club or five clubs, in California or in another state, you use the same GHIN number for your respective club memberships. Joining a new club? Always provide the new club with your existing GHIN number along with your email address.

You should NOT have different GHIN numbers at different clubs. Apart from the difficulty of remembering different numbers, you should have one GHIN number and one scoring record. If you find that you have been issued a new GHIN number when you already have an existing number, please contact the SCGA as soon as possible so we can merge your scores under one GHIN number and eliminate duplicate emails from the SCGA.