An adjusted gross score is a player’s gross score adjusted under World Handicap System™ procedures for unfinished holes, conceded strokes, holes not played or not played under the Rules of Golf. The player has a maximum hole score for handicap purposes, identified as Net Double Bogey, which means double bogey plus the strokes received on the hole based on the player’s Course Handicap/ par plus two (double bogey) plus the strokes received on the hole based on the player’s Course Handicap. For more on the net double bogey maximum, please visit the maximum hole score section of the SCGA WHS Hub.
As an example, a player with a Course Handicap of 19 receives two strokes on the hole identified as the #1 Handicap stroke hole/stroke index hole. That same player receives one stroke on the other 17 holes. If on a par-four hole identified as the #5 Handicap stroke hole/stroke index hole the player made a nine that person would have a maximum hole score of seven for handicap purposes. This is because their net double bogey for this hole is double bogey (6) plus one stroke that they receive handicap wise. Their nine would need to be adjusted down to their maximum of seven. If the player completed the round with no other scores that exceeded their maximum hole score and shot 105, their adjusted gross score for handicap purposes would be 103 and that is the score that would be posted for handicap purposes.
NOTE: All score posting tools (Kiosk,, GHIN Moblie App) have an option for hole by hole entry, which will calculate the maximum hole score for every hole for a player and calculate the adjusted gross score.